All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) that you enter into this website will be kept confidential. The host of this web site,, understands the importance of your privacy. Your personal information will never be sold to other sites. It will not be shared or distributed.
Your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by classmates. Each classmate has the ability to limit the visibility of his or her profile to only fellow classmates by clicking on the appropriate answer in the Profile Visibility section during profile setup. If you do NOT opt for privacy on this line, your profile can be viewed by non-members such as your friends or family, but also note your profile will be fully searchable by major search engines.
Finding your class website profile pages by searching Google or other major search engines:
If you are signed on to the site and restrict your profile to only fellow classmates, and then use a search engine to see if the privacy options above are working, it will appear they are NOT. This is only because you are signed into the site. SIGN OUT AND LOG BACK IN. You will see that none of your profile information is viewable by non-members.
Sharing emails from within this site:
Use the contact option at the top of each classmate's profile page (just look under the classmate's main photo in the upper left). This way you will be able to contact classmates without sharing your private email address, unless you choose to do so.
All class email news sent to you (from us) via this website:
For those of you with spam-blocking or email-filtering capabilities, please add to your email account as a safe sender in order to ensure you receive email communications from us.
Opting Out:
Please note that if you do NOT want your name and picture on this site, it may be removed by clicking on Need Help?. This will end all communications to you from the Camden High School Class of 1976, unless you ask that special arrangements be made.